Disastrous UK Policy Sees Local Unemployment Figures Rise
Neath MP Peter Hain has condemned the UK Government policy as ‘disastrous’ after the latest figures released today show unemployment in Neath has risen to 1,628 in October up from 1589 in September.
Commenting on the figures Mr Hain said, “On a day when Europe is uniting in strike action against the austerity measures the latest increase in unemployment figures for Neath is devastating, especially for those struggling to find a job. Life for local people is getting harder and harder as a direct result of David Cameron and Nick Clegg’s disastrous policy of cutting too far and too fast. Jobs are very hard to find, unemployment is stuck at a high level and lots of very vulnerable people are losing income through cuts in disability allowances.”
Mr Hain also expressed his concern over the continuing increase in long term unemployment with the number of people in Neath jobless for over twelve months increasing every month since June and the figures have not decreased since August 2011.
“This is a worrying trend. As history has shown us those who become unemployed and fail to find work in the first six to twelve months become stuck in the unemployment cycle. We need real investment in long term employment.”