Peter Challenges Service Changes to Neath Port Talbot Hospital
Peter has expressed deep concern over the service change at Neath Port Talbot Hospital. Writing to Paul Roberts, Chief Executive of Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UBH, Peter warned that the loss of acute emergency services from the Baglan site will have a ‘major impact on the surrounding hospitals as they plug the gap left behind’.
A number of Peter’s constituents have approached him with some very worrying stories about current stretches on emergency services. In one case a person was taken ill in the early hours of the morning. An ambulance took them on Morriston hospital where they were left waiting in an ambulance for over six hours outside A&E. They had a wait of nine hours, from being taken ill to getting inside the hospital. This is unacceptable and the situation is likely to worsen significantly should the change in services go ahead.
Peter expressed further concern over when Mr Roberts first became aware of the problem caused by recruitment issues that has led to this situation. ‘I find it difficult to believe’, said Peter, ‘that this is something that has cropped up recently but rather that has been on-going for quite some time’. Peter asked why it is that the problem has not been tackled earlier through recruitment or staff transfers.
Peter concluded that he ‘cannot believe this recruitment problem is insoluble’ and that empty doctors’ posts must be filled. ‘It is too important for the people of Neath and Port Talbot to lose this service.’