Repealing the Bedroom Tax will bring hope to thousands in Neath
Ed Miliband’s announcement that he will end the Bedroom Tax will bring hope to the thousands of Neath constituents that have been cruelly affected says local MP Peter Hain.
Peter Hain said, ‘This is one of the most callous attacks on the most vulnerable in our communities who, through no fault of their own, have been deemed to be under occupying their property. For many they have been at their wits end having to deal with the consequences and they will see this announcement as a glimmer of hope.
‘The rhetoric this Tory-led government has been peddling to defend this indefensible policy has deliberately tried to demonise people living in social housing but the reality is this is affecting disabled couples who need the space or a parent who sees their children on weekends is then judged not to need the room.
’Scores of constituents have come to see me and each case I’ve taken up with the Secretary of State, some I’ve brought to the floor of the House, but every response from the Government has been utter disdain towards the plight people are facing. So this announcement by the Labour leader will resonate with many in Neath.”
The Labour leader pledged to repeal the Bedroom Tax should Labour win the 2015 General election and fund the move by reversing Government measures including the recent tax cut for hedge funds, the shares for rights scheme (which opened up a massive £1 billion tax loophole) and tackling tax scams in the construction industry.