Sitemap - 2012 - Peter Hain

‘Protect, Don’t Attack The Universal Benefits System’

Energy Bill

Make Christmas Food Donations Urges MP

Christmas Visit To Neath Delivery Office To Thank Postmen and Women

Pat Finucane’s death is a terrible stain on Britain’s record in Northern Ireland

Pat Finucane Report

BBC Northern Ireland Interview

Pat Finucane’s Death is a terrible stain on Britain’s record in Northern Ireland

Housing Benefit – Bedroom Tax

Nelson Mandela’s legacy: what next for my beloved South Africa?

Hain Raises Serious Concerns Over Hospital Waiting Time

Statement on Remploy announcement

Dismal Figures Shows Government Policies Not Working

When the National Front met its match

While we agonise over culling badgers, Tuberculosis is killing millions of humans worldwide

While we agonise over culling badgers, tuberculosis is killing millions of humans worldwide

Syria – We Have To Resolve This By Political Settlement, Not By Upping The Military Stakes

Disastrous UK Policy Sees Local Unemployment Figures Rise

Call For EU Leaders to Curb Spending

Pro Europe pro EU Budget squeeze

Syria – Transitional Government

An Era of Coalitions Could Be Upon Us

‘Productive’ meeting over future of Neath Valley Mines

Severn Barrage Plans

Hain ‘Astonished’ by Decision Not To Repeal Scandalising The Court Offence

Economic Policies

Western policy on Syria is failing on a monumental scale

Statement on Walter Energy Announcement From Peter Hain MP:

Hain Slams Government As Latest Unemployment Figures “Show No End To Misery In Sight”

Government of Wales Act

Hain Urges Royal Mail To Invest In State Of The Art Delivery Office In Neath

Last Man Standing Review

Welsh Secretary is Being Mischievous

Memoir ‘Outside In’ Published in Paperback

Our MP Is Doing A Great Job

Neath Port Talbot College and Powys College Merger

Peter Remembers War dead in Neath

Afghanistan Force Protection

Peter gives Evening post Gleision interview

UN recognition of Palestine

Peter Argues for Inclusive Development to Tackle ‘Perfect Storm’

Syria – Negotiated Settlement

Gleision fund closes with over £1 million for victims families

Gleision Families: We’d Give Up Everything To Have Relatives Back

Good Luck to Neath Paralympian

Peter Congratulates Neath Port Talbot GCSE Students

A massacre that threatens Mandela’s Legacy

Peter Praises Work of Local Councillor

Peter Fights for Remploy

Zimbabwe Blood Diamonds


House Of Lords Reform

Peter Challenges Service Changes to Neath Port Talbot Hospital

Royal Welsh Battalion

EU Council



Rio +20 Summit


Syria – We Don’t Want To Repeat The West’s Failure Over Bosnia

Point of Order – Scandalising The Court

Severn Barrage


Neath Families To Lose Hundreds Pounds

Thousands in Neath to be affected by Bedroom Tax as Neath MP calls for re-think

Tax Credit Bombshell To Hit Hundreds In Neath