Sitemap - 2014 - Peter Hain

All Party Talks Northern Ireland

Average Weekly Earnings

Gleision Mine Tragedy

Peter on the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme

PM Accused over Northern Ireland

Child Poverty and the CSA

The time has come to transform British Government

Hain Fights To Keep Cross Community Centre Open

Fourth Food-bank Opens in Neath

Northern Ireland Needs Constant Care And Attention From No. 10

Hain Slams ‘Thatcher Conspiracy To Hammer Miners’

In Neath Metropolitan Police Waved £50 Notes At Striking Miners

The Thatcher Government Used The police Against The Miners In A Completely Wrong Way

Zero Hours Contracts

Hain Celebrates 50 Years of Wales Office

Until There Is A Serious Strategy Of Engagement And Negotiation To Bring About Transition We Will Not Defeat ISIL

Visteon Pensioners

Hain Slams Minister for Attack on Disabled Workers

Tributes Paid To ‘Man Of The Community’

We Must Get More Young People to Engage

Faced with the horror of ISIS we must act

Iraq: Coalition Against ISIL

Iraq: Coalition Against ISIL Question

Stoping ISIL Is Our Duty

Peter Hain MP Calls for Government Action to Save Bees

Going for Growth

No to English Parliament, yes to English devolution in a federal UK

Statement on the Scottish Referendum

Neath Families Facing up to £1000 Cuts Catastrophe says Hain

Former Welsh Secretary Peter Hain challenges David Cameron over impact of spending cuts on councils

Hain warns of Skeleton Services for Local Authorities if magnitude of callous Westminster cuts continues

How Northern Ireland’s Mr NO became Mr YES

Ian Paisley was the Big-Man of Northern Ireland Politics

Statement on publication of IPSA Expenses

Alex Salmond, you’re no Nelson Mandela – Scotland is free already

Hain pays tribute to Gwenda Thomas after she steps down as Deputy Minister

Peter Hain defends controversial letters sent to ‘on-the-runs’ as an essential part of the Northern Ireland peace process

Ukraine, Middle East, North Africa, Security Debate – Intervention

Select Committee On Governance Of The House Of Commons

Ukraine, Middle East, North Africa, Security Debate

Hallett Report

Point Of Order – Referendum

Labour Breaks Coalition and Bedroom Tax

ISIL Will Not Be Beaten Without Air Strikes In Syria

Peter Hain tells David Cameron air strikes are needed in Syria to defeat Islamic State terrorists

Government are not doing enough to face up to the time bomb of our ageing society

Pensions Bill

Best of Neath

Point Of Order – Appointment Of House Of Commons Clerk

EU Council, Security & the Middle East

Best of Resolven and Our Valleys


Aimless Austerity Risks a Generation

Neath Needs the European Union

Hain Praises Resolven Youngsters After Receiving Unicef Award

An Obituary of the anti-apartheid campaigner Chris de Broglio

Hain calls on local community to help save future of Cilmaengwyn Post Office

Israel & Gaza

Hain Supports UAF Wales

Israel & Gaza



Universal Postal Service

Universal Postal Service – Question

Hallett Review

Universal Postal Service


Neath is a Close-Knit Community

Devolution Of Fiscal Responsibility

GP2 Race at Silverstone

Global Health

Hain Supports Food bank Drive with Local Shoppers

European Council Summit

Bring Back Local Bank Managers Says Hain

Wales Bill – It Cannot Be Right For Losers To Become Winners Through The Back Door

Letter to the CEO of the HSE regarding the Gleision Tragedy

Hain welcomes State of the Coalfields Report

Evidence to Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Hain welcomes exciting plan for a direct South West rail link to Heathrow

The Past

Hain Praises Star Young Athlete

Doubts Raised About Vital Hospital Bus Route

David Williamson: Peter Hain was a big beast from Wales – will Westminster see his like again?

Queen’s Speech 2014 – Pensions

Peter Hain: A Hagiography

Statement from Labour Leader, Rt. Hon Ed Miliband MP

Announcement to stand down

Hain congratulates triumphant ladies rugby team

Veterans Receive Vital Commemorations Help

Pursuing cases is leading victims down a false path

Pursuing cases is leading victims down a false path

Don’t write off Ed Miliband – he’s on course to lead the biggest party after the election

I don’t think we had a sufficiently robust strategy towards Ukip

Hain Backs Supporters Trust

MP Praises Resolven RFC

Youth Unemployment Wales

Northern Ireland Amnesty Letter

No BBC Platform for Racists and Fascists

Hain condemns ‘astonishing’ decision to remove phones from Ystradgynlais Jobcentre

Former NI Secretary Warns Against Going Back to the Past

Interview with Adrian Rutherford of Belfast Telegraph

My Proudest Experience is What We Achieved in Northern Ireland

UK Government plans to allow Assembly candidates to fight seats and stand on regional lists show ‘utter contempt’ for voters

Big Boost to Local Businesses

Wales Bill – Shamelessly Proceeding To Enshrine Abuses

New DWP Demands Hit the Poor Hardest in Neath

Hain Praises Calan DVS

Changes to Caewern Post Office – Have Your Say

Ukraine – We Are Getting No Where With Our Approach To Russia

Neath youth unemployment ‘dreadful’

Hain Congratulates Local Business Woman on National Award

Hain Warns ‘No Complacency’ On Youth Jobless

Have your say on future of Gwaun Cae Gurwen Post Office Urges Hain

Pantry food bank opens in Pontardawe

Hain Congratulates Cancer Support Legislation

Personal Independence Payments (Wales)

Disability Assessments ‘Delay, Despair And Misery’ Says Hain

Hain urges keeping doctors surgery in Swansea Valley

Parliamentary Standards

New Approach To Crimes Unresolved In Northern Ireland 40 Years Ago Or More

Letter: The diminishing influence of the left in the Labour party

Dealing With The Past

Wales Bill – Constituency Sizes

Wales Bill – Income Tax Devolution

Wales Bill 2014

European Council and Nuclear Security Summit

Cross-border Hospital Services

Budget Debate 2014 – it was the banking crisis that caused debt to rocket, the deficit to rise and borrowing to rise

Syria: The Worst Western Foreign Policy Catastrophe Of Recent Times?

Syria: The Worst Western Foreign Policy Catastrophe Of Recent Times?

Closure of court is “kick in the teeth for Neath”

Tribute to Tony Benn

Peter Hain calls for Neath magistrates’ court closure plans to be scrapped

Neath Magistrates – Adjournment Debate

Miners’ Strike

Neath MP Peter Hain calls on Capita to reform benefit assessment as hundreds of constituents face delays

Ukraine – Danger The West Could Get Caught Saying Strong Words And Taking No Action

Ukraine – This Situation Will Be Resolved Diplomatically Or It Will Not Be Resolved

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

Why Northern Ireland Must Not Live In The Past

Letters were not get out of jail cards

The quiet rebels who opposed apartheid

We had to end the terror: John Downey’s freedom was part of the difficult deal that achieved peace in Northern Ireland

What was needed to deliver the historic peace settlement in Northern Ireland

John Downey

Haass Talks

What was needed to deliver the historic peace settlement in Northern Ireland

Land Registry

Venezuela Violence Condemned

Praise For Neath Army Officers

Welfare Reform, Sick & Disabled People

Jobcentre whistleblower warns of helplines chaos for job seekers

Unemployment figures are at their highest in Neath for six months

Look Again At Tourism Cuts Urges Neath MP

Stand up to racism and fascism Wales demo

Neath residents to count cost of Welfare Changes

Plea over Jobcentre phones by Neath MP Peter Hain

Neath Magistrates Decision

Welsh MPs demand action on ‘broken’ banking system and energy companies

Investment Banks


Ad and Wal Hain: A love story of duty, values and sacrifice

Rt Hon Peter Hain MP Supports Charity’s Fuel Poverty Campaign This Winter

Neath Magistrates Consultation Decision

Unity Mine administrators get “number of proposals” from potential investors

Welsh Grand Committee 2014 – Warning On Tax Devolution To Wales

Hain Calls On Government To Release Foodbank Review

Flooding (Somerset)

Ending The Palestine Israel Impasse: Two State Or Common State?

Peter Hain’s story of parents South African apartheid fight

Miners Strike ‘Truth Must Be Out’ Says Hain

Hain Calls For Urgent Improvements To ‘Punitive’ Disability Assessment Process

Neath pubs get backing from Hain

Geneva II Summit

Hain Welcomes Work To Improve Neath Train Station

Be It Nazi Germany Or Apartheid South Africa We Must Thank The Few Who Resist

Ad & Wal, Book Review

Security Northern Ireland